Fisherman near Ceyhan oil terminal

Black Sea Files

Black Sea Files
Ursula Biemann

Territorial research on the Caspian oil geography during the construction phase of the BTC oil pipeline. Shedding light on a multitude of secondary players in the region -- oil workers, farmers, prostitutes who live along the trajectory -- the video reflects on investigative video and artistic fieldwork.

Fisherman near Ceyhan oil terminal

Turkish fishermen speak about the maritime condition due to the activity of industrial plants and the oil terminal built on the coast. 

Fisherman near Ceyhan oil terminal
Artist/Author: Ursula Biemann

I visited the area for its military and oil strategic importance and made a stop in Yumurtalik where I went on a boat ride with a fisherman. He had dived here for 30 years and remembered the delicious shrimps, fish and sea turtles. In his opinion, the oil terminal, together with the thermal plant and the fertilizer factory recently installed on the coast, will surely finish off marine life in the bay. Noise, heat, bright lights and water suction have a deadly effect or scare them away. Day after day the fishermen bring back empty nets. Their natural resource of livelihood had to give way to the priorities of the world oil supply system. But the memory of a fertile Sea firmly lodges in their imagination, at odds with the spatial structure of the world.