Kurdish Camp

Black Sea Files

Black Sea Files
Ursula Biemann

Territorial research on the Caspian oil geography during the construction phase of the BTC oil pipeline. Shedding light on a multitude of secondary players in the region -- oil workers, farmers, prostitutes who live along the trajectory -- the video reflects on investigative video and artistic fieldwork.

Kurdish Camp

Camp of seasonal plantation workers in immediate proximity to the BTC Mediterranean terminal Ceyhan. 

Kurdish Camp
Artist/Author: Ursula Biemann

The geographic juxtaposition of the two temporary camps speaks of the different economic strands intersecting here on the social fringe. The pipeline steered clear of the Kurdish areas, but those Kurds who were evicted from their land in the East and from their second home on the edge of Turkish metropolis of Ankara and Istanbul find themselves camping near the terminal now and working for 1 Euro an hour on export vegetables to the European Union. Disowning and continuous displacement strategies have sent them down to the low end of the international labor chain.